Womb Wisdom.


Cycle Attunement

Just like the phases of the moon our bodies have natural cycles. When we fully understand our bodies we are able to reach our full potential in every aspect of our lives: health, work, relationships, intimacy.

Whether your goal is to achieve or avoid pregnancy, we will work together to demystify your cycle and allow you to connect deeply with your rhythms.

Conscious Conception

The innate power of your womb is waiting to be unlocked. Whether you are just starting on your journey or you’ve been trying for a while, through knowledge and support you can connect deeply with your body & baby.

Together we will curate a holistic practice {mind | body | spirit} to call in your future child.

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Are you dreaming of an unassisted birth and looking to prepare yourself through the support of a woman who knows and trust birth?!

Through our sessions you will tap into your innate wisdom to step into your Freebirth feeling fully empowered and confident in your ability to navigate this sacred transition.

Ceremonial Midwifery

Are you seeking a wise woman to hold space for your pregnancy & birth as a sacred rite of passage?

As your midwife, I will walk alongside you with reverence and humility on your journey to birth you baby. Through our session we will nurture a sacred bond grounded in trust and support.

À la Carte

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.

“Thank you so much Samantha!

Your presence at my birth was such a blessing and you are so very incredible. I highly recommend women who are looking for support reach out to you!”