FAQs - Don’t see your question?

  • Do you support women who are not trying to conceive nor already pregnant?

    Yes, I support women in every womb phase. In fact, I believe that it is never too soon to get in touch with your inner womb wisdom. I myself am a maiden who hopes to one day experience the joy of motherhood but am not in that phase of life yet. I can work with you to attune to your cycle, heal energetic blocks and connect with your future child even if you’re not sure of timing yet.

    I also work with women who are navigating the Termination of a Pregnancy, Miscarriage and Stillbirth.

  • What can I expect from a session with you?

    I tailor all of my support to the unique needs of each woman I work with. All my engagements start with a Free Intro Chat so we can be sure that you will get everything you’re looking for out of our time together. My approach combines holistic {mind | body | spirit} techniques to connect you with your own inner wisdom. Think anything from breath-work to oracle readings to nourishment.

    From there I will develop a custom program to meet your needs. For all the details on each type of program check out my services page!

  • Can I work with you just for a reading or do I have to do a coaching package?

    Absolutely! I would be honored to sit with you whether you’re looking for a single reading / energy session or a full coaching program.

    I still request that all potential clients book a Free Intro Chat prior to any engagement so we can be sure that you will get everything you’re looking for out of our time together.

    Once we’ve had our chat I’ll help you with booking your one time session.

  • What do you mean by modalities?

    My approach combines holistic {mind | body | spirit} tools and techniques, some examples are:

    Mind: Meditation / Visualization, Shadow Work, Inner Child Work, Breath Work, Social Media Detox, Boundaries, Journaling

    Body: Cycle Tracking, Hormone Mapping, Nourishment, Somatic Healing, Movement, Ecstatic Dance, Breath-work

    Spirit: Spirit Baby Readings, Human Design, Astrology, Energy Healing , Oracle Readings, Past Life Regressions

  • What Type of Midwife are you?

    Terminology in the birth world has become overwhelmingly confusing when it comes to finding the right fit for your birth. I consider myself a Independent Traditional Midwife and Birth Keeper.

    The most important decision we will make about our births is who we choose to invite. The most important question I would ask myself when inviting someone to my birth is how do they make me feel? Does my nervous system feel at peace? Do I feel respected, seen and heard? Do we align on our core values? Does she trust birth and trust me to know what’s best for me/ my baby? Does she have good energy and good spiritual hygiene?

    I think if we can answer “yes” to those questions then the answer to any other question will be aligned.

    The world we live in requires us to be ever more diligent when choosing who to invite to our birth so I took the time to answer a few commonly asked questions in Midwife Interviews here.

  • What are your credentials?

    While I do possess a degree and many certificates, my fundamental belief in health sovereignty drives my conscious decision to work outside of any systems or governing bodies. I focus on leveraging my own experiential knowledge to then share with my community and the women I serve. My insatiable curiosity pushes me to go deep and wide with every element of the practice I build.

    I have had the pleasure of being a student of the following renowned Birth Experts:

    • Apprenticeship at the Amupakin Birth Center under the Achimamas of the Kichwa indigenous group in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest.

    • Whapio’s Matrona Holistic Midwifery School.

    • Karen Strange’s Integrative Resuscitation of The Newborn course which teaches The AAP Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) concepts.

    • Breech Without Borders: Breech Pro & Hands on Skills Training

    • Emilee Saldaya and Yolande Norris-Clark through The Free Birth Society’s Radical Birth Keeper school.

    • Augustine Colebrook (@artofbirthing) trough the Midwifery Wisdom Collective’s Skills & Drillz workshop at the Tempe AZ birth center (4/2023)

    • Linda Herrick (RN, CCE), through the Academy of Certified Birth Educators.


    • Adelaide Meadow’s Born Through Movement: Birth biomechanics and prenatal movement course.

    I am a trained Reproductive Health Educator specializing in the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) and the Fertility Education and Medical Management (FEMM) method.

    I am a trained Evidential Medium who specializes in communication with Spirit Babies. I have developed my mediumship under some of the most accurate & well respected mediums working today such as Michael Mayo and Megan Alisa.

    I have received my REIKI (Level I) Attunement from JENN BAILEY STRECK of Full Circle Studios in Atlanta.

  • What is a spirit baby?

    My favorite question! I was first introduced to the concept of Spirit Babies when I was desperately aching for a child of my own but knew I was not in the phase of life to call one into the material realm.

    I believe that we are all enlightened energetic beings who choose to inhabit the physical realm across multiple lifetimes. Just as we have an afterlife and a past life we have a pre-life consciousness. Spirit Babies are the energetic consciousness of a person before they are born. Like us they have hopes and fears and a purpose for being born into this time and place. Just as you choose to bring a child into the world they choose you as their parental guide.

    I could talk on this topic all day but if this has peaked your curiosity I suggest booking a Free Intro Chat to learn more.